How to Register

Please Note – Registrations can only be made online (No manual registrations, cash or cheques will be accepted).

Go to 
Click on members portal 
Either sign in with an existing account, or create a new profile for new athletes. 
Complete all fields ensuring that you use your current email. 

Little Athletics SA accepts the $100 Sports Vouchers as part of the registration process. To apply for the Government Sports Voucher when registering, you will need to answer a few yes or no questions and enter in your Medicare number plus your child’s reference number (you will need to write this out as one 11 digit number for it to be recognised properly). You can do all of this once you have gone into your shopping cart and clicked ‘Checkout’. Before the system takes you to the ‘Checkout’ to make your payment, it will take you to the page to be able to apply your Sports Voucher.