Club Policies


If the weather is forecast by Australian Bureau of Meterology ( at, the day prior to the competition is 37° - 40°, hot weather program will occur.

This means that the program commences at 7pm and some events may be changed (i.e. no High Jump, and no runs further than 400 metres).

If the the forecast is for 41°c or above the event will be cancelled and rescheduled to the next available date. 


Footwear is compulsory, no bare feet are allowed. Under 12 athletes and above can wear up to 7mm spikes. These may be worn in laned track events, jump events and javelin.

Smoking and Alcohol:

Please note that Playford Athletics is a ‘SMOKE FREE’ area in line with South Australian Little Athletics regulations. We are also a dry zone. This promotes a healthy lifestyle and sets a good example for our athletes.

Code of Ethics

  1. Compete for the fun of it.

  2. Always respect other competitors, remember that everyone has their own level of achievement.

  3. Be a good sport and cheer on all other competitors.

  4. Treat all competitors as you would like to be treated.

Sportsmanship Policy

What is good sportsmanship?

Good sportsmanship is when teammates, opponents, coaches and officials treat each other with respect. Parents can help their children to understand it, starting with something simple like shaking the opponent's hand and acknowledging good play by others

  1. Be a good sport

  2. Be polite

  3. Don't show off

  4. Tell your opponents 'good job'

  5. Learn the rules

  6. Listen to coaches and officials

  7. Don't argue with officials

  8. Don't make up excuses or blame others

  9. Wait quietly for your turn

  10. Play fair

SALAA (South Australian Little Athletics Association) Policies

Acceptable Use Policy

All Weather Policy

Extreme Weather Policy

Anti – Discrimination Policy

Code of Conduct

Committee Policy

Complaints Handling and Grievance Policy

Conflict of Interest Policy

Drug and Alcohol Policy

Inclusion Policy

Family Friendly Policy

First Aid Policy

Incident and Injury Reporting Policy

IT Disaster Recovery Policy

Media Relations Policy

Member Protection Policy

Pandemic Refund Policy

Password Protection Policy

Privacy Policy

Refunds Policy

Risk Management Policy

Social Media Policy

State Team Policy

Volunteer Policy

Work Health and Safety Policy


Club-Specific Policy & Procedures

Playford Athletic Centre Constitution